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What Licenses, Certifications, and Trainings do you have as an Acupuncturist?

Curious about what type of training it takes to become an acupuncturist?

Let us shed some insight for you and help reassure you that you are in good hands when you trust us with your health care needs.

Training requirements to become an acupuncturist depends on the state where one practices.

Some states have very strict requirements, such as California, where acupuncturists must have a minimum of 3000 hours of education, pass a state licensing exam, and are considered primary care providers. Most states accept the national board exams in order to get licensed there. California is an exception, and instead issues their own state licensing exam. Other states require much less education, such as Arizona, which only requires 1600 hours training.

Dr Sandra’s Training

Dr Sandra was trained in Oregon, at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM), in Portland. To be accepted into this #1 ranked acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) school in the country, she needed a 4-year undergraduate degree, that included meeting prerequisites such as anatomy & physiology, psychology, and chemistry.


She attended OCOM for four years as a full time medical student. She graduated in 2006 with a Masters degree and 3500+ hours of training in all areas of TEAM, including multiple styles of acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, qigong, shiatsu, tuina, and diet & nutrition, as well as conventional medical courses such as Western clinical diagnosis and pharmacology.

Dr Sandra also attended another top-ranked school, Pacific College of Health Sciences, in San Diego, CA, where she received her doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in 2021.

Knowing what your acupuncturist was trained in is incredibly important!

As some states require over 3000 hours of education in all areas of TEAM, and others require just 1600 hours of acupuncture only, it’s important to know where your acupuncturist was trained, and what level of training they received. You can find your state’s requirements by going to your state’s Acupuncture Board website.

Checking the Chinese medical pulses at the wrist

Education level is important to you as a client as the acupuncture provider may or may not be well-trained in the other parts of TEAM, such as Chinese herbal medicine, diet and nutrition, qigong, and bodywork such as tuina and shiatsu, all of which greatly enhance your healing process.

Acupuncture provides phenomenal results…AND…people typically get better quicker, with longer lasting results when they utilize all the components that TEAM has to offer. Dr Sandra is trained in all aspects of TEAM.

It’s also important to know if the person doing the acupuncture was trained in an acupuncture school.

Some states, such as AZ, allow many health care practitioners, like chiropractors, nurses, and physical therapists, to practice acupuncture with only taking a weekend course, ie 12 hours of education, or short certification program, perhaps 100 hours, to learn acupuncture. Other states, such as OR, only allow acupuncturists and medical doctors to practice acupuncture.

Some states allow dry needling, while other states uphold that it is acupuncture and is illegal unless performed by an acupuncturist.

If you’re wondering about dry needling, you need to read this post.

Still unclear why education matters? Let’s look at it this way. Dr Sandra received over 500 hours of just Western Medical education while at OCOM alone. Even with 500+ hours, she would NEVER say that she is competent to practice Western Medicine. With that in mind, doesn’t it seem absurd to think that someone would be considered well-trained after just 12 or even 100 hours of acupuncture training?

comparison chart of acupuncture education

Over the years, Dr Sandra has heard things from people such as:

I tried acupuncture and it didn’t work.

I tried acupuncture and it was really painful.

I read an article about an acupuncturist popping someone’s lungs.

When she inquired more, she learned that the person tried acupuncture (or dry needling) from their medical doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist, NOT someone who was trained in an acupuncture or TEAM school.

People not trained in an acupuncture or TEAM school don’t learn the foundation of what makes TEAM work; they just learn where to plunk in points, and often they are either taught or remember the information incorrectly. Anyone trained in acupuncture and TEAM will tell you, there is SO much more than just point location that creates the profound healing acupuncture is known for.

Nei Jing Tu image

When people aren’t taught beyond where to put points, the treatments are often very painful. Again, they didn’t learn the basics of TEAM.

Acupuncture is NOT like putting in a hypodermic needle, or drawing blood. (Thank the heavens for that!) So even if a medical professional is trained with hypodermic needles, that doesn’t mean they will properly do acupuncture.

And…when people aren’t trained in TEAM, they only learn anatomy and physiology in cadavers, not in living humans. The organ locations in living people are different than non-living people, enough so that when acupuncture is not done properly, there can be a serious risk of organ puncture.

Non-TEAM trained acupuncturists, and dry needling done by chiropractors or physical therapists, don’t get this crucial education and often insert the points incorrectly, causing organ puncture. It’s terrible! And entirely preventable with proper education.

Yin yang symbol

Save yourself the risk and pain and just go to a TEAM trained acupuncturist! If you aren’t sure how to figure that out, here are some questions you can ask the provider:

Where were you trained in acupuncture?

Was it an acupuncture school?

How many hours was your program?

Was your program only acupuncture or did you also learn herbs and the other components of TEAM?

Dr Sandra thinks it’s best to go to a person who is dedicated to their profession and craft. Would you rather go to a surgeon with 12 hours, or 100 hours, or someone that has over 3500 hours of training? We all would prefer to go to the expert, right?!

Dr Sandra’s Specific Credentials

Dr Sandra loves to learn! She’s shared that one of her grandmas said she drove her nuts when she was a little one because she was always asking her grandma “Why?” - to anything and everything. Dr Sandra was so curious then, and still is now! She believes there is so much good stuff to learn and share with you so you can live happier, healthier lives!


Welcome to Arizona sign

Dr Sandra’s held licenses to practice acupuncture in the State of Oregon and State of Arizona.

National Board Certification

Dr Sandra successfully passed six national board exams and am Nationally Board Certified in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (DiplOM).

Specialized Trainings

Some of the areas Dr Sandra has specialized training in includes:

  • Five Element Acupuncture, Medical Qigong, and Intuitive Healing for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing,

  • BodyMapping, which is phenomenal for pain management and resolution,

  • Cancer treatment therapies from Memorial Sloan Kettering and MDAnderson,

  • Gu Syndrome, which treats parasitism and other Chronic Complicated Conditions which Western Medicine has difficulty treating/getting results,

  • Lab Analysis, and

  • Facial Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement.

She received her Five Element training from Awakening the Soul of Our Medicine (ASOM) with Worsely-trained David Ford, and David Berkshire. This beautiful style of acupuncture is phenomenal for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

She received advanced training from reknown intuitive acupuncturist, Ellen Shefi, where she participated in the School of Light and mentorship programs from 2003 to 2012.

glowing golden body with red, blue, and purple aura

There, she studied various healing modalities including medical intuition, Indigenous healing, psychometry, interdimensional healing, crystal and gemstone healing, essential oils, Colorpuncture, Western herbal medicine, sound healing, plant spirit medicine, interspecies communication, among others. During her studies with Ellen, she was blessed to be able to support Sun Dancers in one of the only open-to-all Sun Dance ceremonies.

She has also advanced training from the Psychic Enlightenment Center with Kerry Dontchos.


Medical Qigong

Person meditating, the universe exists inside us

Medical qigong, pronounced chee gong, is exercises that cultivate your life force energy. There are thousands of qigong forms. You may be familiar with Tai Ji, also called Tai Chi, which is a more-commonly-known-in-the-West type of qigong exercise.

Dr Sandra has practiced qigong since 2002 and is a Certified Qigong Teacher through Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School with Master Liu He and Dr Liu Dong. By studying with them, Dr Sandra has been blessed to learn qigong forms that are over 8000 years old, and have been secretly preserved throughout many generations. How incredible is that?!

Dr Sandra offers Classes in 1000 Hands Buddha Qigong for stress management, anxiety, insomnia, and heart issues, and Jade Woman Qigong for women’s health and women’s cycles. She is currently in an advanced training program to further her Qigong training with Ling Gui. She will soon be certified to teach additional qigong forms.

Facial Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement

Dr Sandra received my certification in Facial Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement (FACE) via PCHS from top facial experts such as Shellie Goldstein, Carrie Hart, MaryElizabeth Wakefield, MichelAngelo, Deidre Courtney, Michelle Gellis, and Matt Callison. 

Black woman receiving Facial Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement treatment

FACE treatments, also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture, holistically and naturally rejuvenate your face, without harsh chemicals, toxins, or surgery. Therapies can include acupuncture, microneedling, nanoneedling, intradermal needling, acupressure, cupping, gua sha, microcurrent, Light Emitting Diode (LED) (red light, yellow light, blue light) therapy, infrared therapy, Mian Xiang/Chinese Face Reading, and Traditional Chinese Medicinal serums. You can read more about the FACE treatments she offers though the RADIAANT™ Beauty Program.


White woman giving reiki to white woman

Reiki, pronounced ray kee, is a gentle energy healing technique developed by Mikao Usui, that can involve hands-on or hands-off, in person or distance healing. Reiki promotes relaxation, healing and wellbeing, and decreases stress and anxiety. Dr Sandra has Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level 2 Certification.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is basically acupuncture for your home and the environment. It strategically creates harmonious flow of energy throughout your home, so your home can be supportive and create health, happiness, and well-being for you. Dr Sandra is currently a candidate for Mastery in Feng Shui with Amanda Collins of the International Feng Shui School.

Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist

Close up of a human ear, person with dark hair

Acupuncture Detoxification, also known as NADA, is a technique that utilizes auricular (ear) acupuncture to decrease the effects of withdrawal from nicotine, alcohol, prescription and illegal drugs. Dr Sandra is a certified NADA acupuncture detoxification specialist.

Clean Needle Technique

Clean Needle Technique is about the proper handling and disposal of acupuncture needles to prevent the transmission of disease, and provide protection to patient and provider. Dr Sandra is Clean Needle Technique certified.


Basic Life Support (BLS), which is Health Care Provider level, CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) are life saving techniques. Dr Sandra is BLS/CPR certified.

Formal Education

Dr Sandra received her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oregon where she attended the Eugene and Bend campuses. Her degree is in Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, and Spanish. She also participated in the International College there, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa.

As mentioned previously, she earned her Masters Degree is in Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine, in 2006, from the OCOM, the top rated TEAM school in the country. 

Neon sign on white brick wall with message "stick with me"

Dr Sandra trained over 3500 hours, in all facets of Traditional East Asian Medicine, including acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine. She was blessed to be able to pursue four years of qigong, learn the Asian Bodywork Therapies of Shiatsu and Tuina, as well as become proficient in multiple styles of acupuncture including:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),

  • Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM),

  • BodyMapping,

  • Japanese Acupuncture,

  • Turtle Abdominal Acupuncture,

  • Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture,

  • Jiao’s Scalp Acupuncture,

  • Auricular Acupuncture,

  • Palpation Based Acupuncture,

  • Trigger Point/Ashi Acupuncture, which some non-acupuncturists call Dry Needling,

  • Tan Family Acupuncture,

  • and Tong Family Acupuncture.

Dr Sandra’s OCOM research and thesis was in Mental and Emotional Health: Anxiety and Depression. You can read her research paper here, if you’re interested.

Dr Sandra received her Doctoral Degree, summa cum laude, in 2021 from another top ranking school, Pacific College of Health Sciences (PCHS), in San Diego, CA. Less than 7% of acupuncturists in the US have furthered their education by becoming a doctor. There, she focused on Collaborative Care and Intuitive Healing. Check our blog, “Transformational Tips” to read more about those topics.

Dr Sandra Curry, DACM

Please note: Dr Sandra is not a medical intuitive. She practices an Intuitive Healing style called Claircupuncture™, and Medical Qigong. 

The Alphabet of Initials

If you are like Dr Sandra, all the initials after people’s names are confusing. Here are some of the ones you will likely see sometimes after her name: BA, MAOM, LAc, DiplOM, and DACM - which stand for Bachelor of Arts, Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, and Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. 

And even more…

Some other subjects she enjoys studying, aside from what was mentioned above, include medical astrology, Ba Zi, astrology in general, Human Design, palmistry/scientific hand analysis, medical anthropology, shamanic healing, spirituality, organic gardening, and indigenous plant medicine.

Sign that reads Love what you do and do what you love

If you’d like to see how all of this passion and knowledge can benefit you and your health, go check out Our Healing Programs or Book A Consult. We’d be delighted to assist you!